North Korean rhetoric escalates

As threats of all-out war continue, North Korea’s news agency KCNA has posted several new releases aimed at the “puppet regime” in South Korea.

Stating that the South “far-fetchedly tried to link the case with us without offering any material evidence … in a bid to mislead the public opinion inside and outside Korea,” they demand that “the group of traitors produce … material evidence” and “that there should not be a shred of doubt”.

The North goes on to escalate their threats of war on Seoul. “The all-out war to be undertaken by us will be a sacred war involving the whole nation, all the people and the whole state for completely eliminating the strongholds of the group of traitors.”

The DPRK calls upon the South Korean people to revolt against the current government. The situation “urgently requires the people to turn out in the struggle against dictatorship” says one KCNA statement.

The statements are peppered throughout with references to nuclear threats, ultra-conservative South Koreans, and the aim of global domination on the part of the US. But most of all, they remind the world of their willingness to go to war.

“We will brand any small incident that occurs in the territorial waters, air and land where our sovereignty is exercised including the West Sea of Korea as a provocation of confrontation maniacs and react to it with unlimited retaliatory blow, merciless strong physical blow. It is our invariable iron will to react to “retaliation” with more powerful retaliation and to “punishment” with indiscriminate punishment of our style. Availing ourselves of this opportunity, we sternly warn the U.S. and Japanese authorities and riff-raffs, their poor lackeys, to act with discretion.”

“All the fellow countrymen will never pardon the clique of traitors, which finds fault with fellow countrymen, though it has committed so hideous acts of treachery, and gets frantic with the scheme to bring the dark clouds of a nuclear war, but mete out a stern punishment to it on behalf of the nation.”

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