Thousands in Seoul call for revenge against N.Korea

SEOUL, May 27 (AFP) – An estimated 10,000 people including war veterans rallied in Seoul Thursday calling for revenge attacks against North Korea for the sinking of a South Korean warship.

The protesters also urged the government to punish opposition politicians and others who questioned the South’s probe, which concluded that a North Korean torpedo sank the corvette on March 26 and killed 46 sailors.

“Let’s kill mad dog Kim Jong-Il!” they shouted in reference to the communist state’s all-powerful leader who is at the centre of a personality cult along with his late father Kim Il-Sung.

Four protesters in military uniform, wielding sticks, whacked human-sized balloons painted with the two Kims’ faces as others chanted emotional slogans outside City Hall.

A large North Korean national flag was burnt as protesters waved banners urging the government to stage revenge attacks against the North.

Experts in the Korean martial art taekwondo used their feet to smash wooden boards bearing the slogans “North Korea” and “Revenge”.

The investigation report’s findings have sent tensions rising sharply.

In the latest tit-for-tat, North Korea Thursday scrapped a pact aimed at preventing accidental armed clashes with South Korea at their flashpoint sea border.

South Korea’s navy staged an anti-submarine exercise in its first show of strength since the confrontation began.

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