Border Tensions Increase After North Korea Fires Shots At South Korean Post

David Goodhue – AHN News Reporter

Hwacheon, South Korea (AHN) – North Korea’s military fired two shots at a South Korean post near the two countries’ border on Friday.

The incident happened in the town of Hwacheon, which is about 73 miles northeast from the South Korean capital of Seoul, according to the South Korean news agency Yonhap.

The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff confirmed the shots to the news agency.

The incident happens amid an increasingly tense time for the two countries. Earlier this year, a South Korean warship was sunk by what South Korea and the United States say was a torpedo fired by a North Korean vessel.

Forty six South Korean sailors were killed in the March 10 attack.

South Korean and U.S. defense officials also worry about the handover of power in North Korea from Kim Jong-il to his youngest son, Kim Jong-un. The elder Kim, 68, had recently suffered a stroke. His son, a four-star general, is only in his 20s.

The precarious situation prompted the U.S. and South Korea to sign an agreement earlier this month strengthening already close military ties.

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