Dallas Blog’s MacGregor Claims Alex Jones Works For Obama

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, June 24, 2011

Following our exposé of potential Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry’s globalist leanings, several neo-con news outlets reacted with a mixture of contempt, fury and in one case, outright frothing idiocy, by claiming that Alex Jones and Infowars were fully paid-up propagandists for the Obama 2012 re-election campaign.

In our story, which was picked up by the powerhouse Drudge Report website on Monday, we documented how Governor Perry is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. While spewing rhetoric about Tea Party principles, secession and shooting coyotes, Perry simultaneously worked to sell off Texas’ infrastructure to foreign companies and offered enthusiastic support for the NAFTA Superhighway, a key component of the move towards a North American Union, part of the one world government dream of the Bilderberg Group who graciously invited Perry to their elitist confab in 2007.

Perry also aggressively promoted the Rockefeller Foundation-backed HPV vaccination campaign in Texas despite numerous health warnings that have since proven accurate after numerous deaths and injuries caused by the vaccine. In mandating young girls to take the vaccine with an executive order, Perry drew praise from top Democrats but was scorned by members of his own party in Texas.

After pressure groups forced an about-turn, similar to Perry’s hand being forced with the TSA grope-down bill, the Governor had to abandon his previous support for turning Texas into a sanctuary state for illegal aliens. For the numerous neo-con blogs that accused us of inventing the fact that Perry supported sanctuary cities, watch this 2003 clip of Mexican President Vicente Fox publicly thanking Rick Perry for signing legislation that would give illegal aliens from Mexico free instate tuition at the Texas state college of their choice.

Lest we forget that Perry was also chairman of Al Gore’s campaign in Texas for the 1988 Democratic presidential primaries – his conservative principles shining through once again.

In revealing Perry to be a globalist posing as a down-home conservative, we rankled a lot of neo-cons who have bought into the myth that Perry is a genuine Tea Party-style all American, a man who offers a genuine alternative to Obama.

However, by far the most hilarious response came from Tom McGregor of the Dallas Blog, who assertively accused this writer and Infowars in general of being a fully paid-up Obama propaganda front bankrolled to invent “conspiracy theories” about Rick Perry in order to derail his presumptive presidential campaign by preventing Tea Party supporters from voting for him in the Republican primaries.

Claiming that Obama had used part of his $1 billion dollar campaign war chest to “finance creative methods to attack GOP presidential contenders,” by characterizing Perry as a “so-called puppet of a leftist globalist community that is intent on one world government,” McGregor went on to write that our article was an “Obama-instigated conspiracy theory” written by myself, who McGregor labeled, “Obama’s conspiracy theorist writer, Mr. Watson”.

McGregor concludes his piece by giving Obama credit for “taking a creative approach to attacking his opponents,” by funding the likes of Infowars to go after Perry.

This is easily the funniest and yet most lame hit piece we have ever had the pleasure to respond to.

A brief perusal of the Dallas Blog website confirms that it is little more than an advert for Perry’s presumptive presidential campaign, carrying several positive stories about the Governor.

McGregor’s confident assertion that I am a paid propagandist working for the Obama election campaign was somewhat contradicted 48 hours later when I wrote a piece calling Obama a “murderer” and a baby killer for overseeing an unconstitutional war in Libya that recently led to the deaths of five toddlers, images of which were graphically displayed in a disturbing video that I embedded in the article.

Some people might think directly labeling Obama a baby killer was a tad too strong, but I don’t think anyone could have taken it as evidence that Obama is paying me to bolster his campaign to recapture the Oval Office in 2012.

Likewise, Alex Jones’ devotion to Obama has slipped on occasion, particularly when he devoted an entire 2 hour documentary to exposing how the President was a puppet of Wall Street and Goldman Sachs in The Obama Deception, a movie that received 9 million views on just one You Tube channel and reportedly led to Jones being placed on a White House “hit list,” which ranked “25 enemies Obama wants to silence”.

Another rough patch in Jones’ relationship with Obama coincided with Jones launching a nationwide poster campaign depicting the President as the Joker character from Batman, a project started to “awaken the people about Obama’s agenda”, and to get “Democrats and Obamanoids going ballistic,” for which Jones was denounced as a racist by the establishment media, who called for people putting up the posters to be arrested.

Perhaps Obama just isn’t paying us enough – our relationship has been rocky to say the least.

All joking aside, one explanation for McGregor’s eagerness to spout baseless propaganda might be the fact that he is also the editor at the English edition of the Chinese government owned publication, China Radio International. So while accusing others of being in the pay of government propaganda ministries, McGregor himself is working for Communist Chinese state media.

The unrepentant fallaciousness of McGregor’s hit piece almost makes it look like a satire, but the article is genuine.

While accusing us of inventing “conspiracy theories” about Perry that are in fact manifestly provable and documented, myopic neo-cons who have thrown their weight behind Perry’s carefully cultivated yet deceptive image as a grass-roots conservative by smearing his opponents with their own gratuitous conspiracy theories, have revealed themselves to be the most gullible and naive bunch of all.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

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