When the POOP Hits the Oscillator

By Country Codger
October 22nd, 2011


I have been asked to share my perspective (vision or nightmare) of what will happen when the Poop finally hit’s the fan. You asked for it, you got it.

No matter what happens, massive earthquakes, tsunamis Coronal Mass… you know whats, EMP’s (manmade or natural) the ultimate crisis will be caused by none other than an economic Crisis.

How can I say that? Easy look at history. Japan was bombed to oblivion in WWII, received the first atomic bombs in modern warfare and still it rebuilt itself. Now, after being struck with a major earthquake of Biblical proportions and then crushed by a tsunami which in turn has caused the largest nuclear crisis in history, yesterday, the dollar dropped below the historic low of the dollar to the yen since WWII.

                                                           Hiroshima, Japan 1945

Why? We have had no major earthquakes, tsunamis, major nuclear disasters.

Our infrastructure is still basically intact. Japan cannot even operate their own factories because of the limited amount of electricity. It has to have South Korea build most of its automobiles. Japan produces no oil and negligible amounts of natural gas.

The U.S. is producing oil and gas and discovering new fields and has developed technology to increase oil production from previously inaccessible oil strata.

So if it had to do with natural resources, or major disasters the dollar should be worth 200 or more yen. Why is it that the yen is stronger than the dollar?

Because the fundamentals upon which the dollar is based are collapsing.

The dollar is only valuable right now because of the Bretton-Woods Agreement which came out of WWII. Everybody in the world has to buy dollars in order to purchase any internationally traded commodity. Otherwise we would be a poster child for economic collapse. Greeks would be saying, “It sure is bad but at least we don’t live in America.”

                                                                Detroit, Michigan 1945

So, we are lucky right? Nope.
People around the world are waking up and are tired of the old Bretton-Woods banking arrangement. Countries such as China, India, Saudi Arabia, Russia and others are using their own currencies in commodity swaps with other nations. This will encourage others, which will encourage others to do the same thing. Pretty soon you will be wiping the poop off the oscillator with 100 dollar bills, because that and starting fires will be the only thing they will be good for.

What about EMP’s and Coronal Mass..uh..you know and what about…

It doesn’t make any difference. If the American economy was healthy, say pre-1964 we could work and produce our way out of the problem even if we had to do it with steam power or horses. We did it once we could easily do it again.

But our manufacturing infrastructure is destroyed and we don’t have the financial ability to rebuild. We have sold and traded all of our national gold, and silver is now called “an industrial metal.” Odd, for 5 ½ thousand years before this gold and silver were true wealth. America is now broke and the International Banksters are just waiting for the day that they can hammer the Foreclosure Sale sign in the front yard of the u.s. of A. for everyone in the world to see.

(Stark contrast between the two cities. Hiroshima died in

an instant. Detroit is dying from rot slowly.)

  Hiroshima, Japan 2011

                                             William Livingstone house, Detroit 2011

In foreclosure, an officer of the court posts a notice of foreclosure on the property for all to see. (Of course if you are BofA, Wells Fargo, CITI, Fanny, Freddie, or Peewee Herman all you have to do is grease palms with Federal Reserve Notes instead of following the laws of the land and skip all those needless steps. Hell, you don’t even need a deed, title or mortgage, just foreclose and make the property owner prove you are wrong. See what I mean?)

So what, you ask?

The banksters will foreclose and their court is the Court of International Settlements? Who is the officer of the court? The U.N. is the high sheriff and is in charge of placing countries into receivership. Don’t believe me, ask Muamar Qaddafi. The U.N. authorized N.A.T.O. action in Libya, hello. You saw what kind of treatment Libya and ultimately Qaddafi received. The countries resources have been hijacked, international accounts frozen (read stolen), and now the largest reserves of the sweetest, lightest crude in the Middle East just got placed under the protection of the receivers in bankruptcy. Oh, and where is Qaddafi’s more than 9 billion dollars in gold bullion? Probably in the same place as all the gold bullion taken from the vault underneath WTC7 BEFORE it was never struck by an aircraft and burned to the ground against all the laws of physics.

Get my point?

IF the American economy was healthy no disaster could stop America from coming back from the brink of destruction. Unfortunately, the DISASTER is our economy and we are over the brink. We are in free fall and it is not the fall that kills you but the sudden stop.

So what do I see as the scenario?

I believe it will take place sometime after the 2012 elections. Why? Because the Federal Reserve has done everything in its bag of tricks, to keep this train chugging down the tracks, as it can. (Even if Ron Paul is elected I believe he will be either assassinated, the economy will be willfully imploded or a huge false flag event will take place that will destroy at least 3, possibly more, major urban areas.)

                           We are from the government and we are here to help!

In others words we are doomed? No way.

This is America and there is at least one gun for every citizen, on average. Unfortunately, for the first year or so, most people will simply try to exist. Probably, (remember, this is my opinion and opinions cannot be wrong no matter how much they stink) two-thirds of the people in this country will die during the first two years after the fall. It will be a combination of events but about one half that number will be because of lawlessness, the rest due to disease or starvation.

I think it will take three to four years to stabilize the situation, i.e. kill the outlaws and use alternative forms of medicine before things stop getting worse. However, there is a rule of thumb that kicks in about this time. When the smallest kid in class kicks the class bully’s butt then everyone he ever bullied will try to kick his butt. It will be during this time that I believe America will suffer some form of invasion. Maybe, it will be under the auspices of stabilizing America, or restoring order or maybe just to settle an old debt. Here is a propaganda film that will be released soon. http://www.reddawnmovienews.com.

I once heard Lindsay Williams say that that the Elite will always tell you bfore they do something. I was shocked. This was almost word for word what Zbigniew Brzinski said years ago when asked how he knew about a particular event coming to pass in advance of it happening.

It is at this time things get ticklish.

About 100 million, heavily armed and motivated Americans will have absolutely little mercy on an invading army. I think an invading army from the west will be stopped at the Sierra Nevada’s or at worst, at the Rockies. An army invading from the east will be stopped in the Smoky/Adirondack chain and if not there then at the mighty Mississippi. It might even be an army from each direction, China/Russia alliance from the west and U.N./European contingent from the east. Remember, they are blaming the U.S. for their current fiscal problems. What happens when their problems get ten times or one hundred times worse than they are now?

I think they will have bit off more than they can chew and in the end we will triumph.

But when will it end? One year? Two? Three? Ten? Will it turn nuclear or just stay conventional? Quien sabe?

America has been the biggest bully on the block for a long time, post World War One and a lot of people worldwide resent that. At some point in time we will be due our comeuppance. Unfortunately, there are several new bullies waiting in the wings. China and the Pan-Asian League? Maybe. Revised Russian/Soviet Empire? Possible. Make no mistake about it,some one will be ready to take on the old bully for a shot at the title.

Am I cynical?

Well, like I’ve said before, I always thought of myself as an upbeat kind of guy. But my Mary Poppins attitude, that just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down, is gone.

I listen to a lot of radio programs and I have listened to Alex Jones regularly for a couple of years. There are many things I admire about that young man but I have one criticism, not of Alex but for the mistaken believe that the Illuminati care one whit whether we know what they are doing or not. They really don’t care, as long as it doesn’t upset their timetable. When it does, they just back up and punt.

These people, the “elite”, Illuminists, assholes, really do drink blood and eat human flesh from fetuses.

They plot and plan the deaths of millions of people by any number of means. They own armies, parliaments, congresses and dictators. And, if a random dictator gets out of line, what happens? Ask Qaddafy Duck. They order their enforcers to go in and clean house and “foreclose” on the property, make no mistake about it. They will kill one million, two million, ten million or one hundred million Americans to foreclose on the greatest piece of real estate this side of Heaven. America is the final jewel to add to their “CROWN” jewels collection.

I am a simple country boy and I like simple logic.

If we want to keep America, we cannot win by disclosing their names on radios or TV or satellites. We can only win, and keep our nation by killing them. To quote General George Smith Patton, “No poor dumb son of a bitch ever won a war by dying for his country. He won the war by making the other poor dumb son of a bitch die for his country.” If we want to win this war, they, the elite, have to die. We have to pull them out of their hiding places, their bunkers and drain pipes and kill them as expeditiously as possible.

Now, having said that, this is not a call to arms. Like my other articles in the past, it is a call to get armed. You must get armed and become proficient with the weapons of your choice. Don’t run out and buy a gun and say I said for you to start shooting people. This is as far from the truth as anything could be.

What will America be like in the short term after the collapse?

The first stage will be to HUNKER down. You will have to get to your refuge, make sure you have adequate provisions for your group and ride out the initial storm. The initial storm will proabably consist of a FORMAL declaration of martial law. Eventually, the National Guard and the military will walk away and return to protect they families, their loved ones. They are not fools, they know what is coming down the pike. I believe the initial storm will last one to two years. That is why I have repeatedly said that you need a minimum of one year’s worth of food for each man, woman and child in your group. You should have extra for stragglers.

Here is a word about provisions. I have told you what to stock and how to stock it and now we need to look at something very important, SKILLS. If your group consist of 12 adults and you are all computer programmers and have no other skill sets you are in deep doodoo. You need diversity of skills within your group. You need someone proficient in the following skillsets (minimum):

Medicine – no you don’t need to look for a brain surgeon. I would find an herbalist and/or nurse or EMT,

Firearms and self defense – you do not need to have Rambo in your group but you should have someone who is proficient enough with firearms to teach others and do basic maintenance and repairs of broken equipment. This will also be the person that will teach all of you to reload you own ammunition. Most people can be taught to use a few basic holds, punches and gouges to save their life in an emergency and this person should be proficient enough to teach it. Look for former military, cops, private security or martial artist,

Farming/gardening – at some point you will have to grow your own food to replenish your dwindling food stocks. This is as much an art form as it is a science. To find the right person look for the biggest and best gardens and start there,

Mechanics – this specialist will keep your equipment repaired and design/build new equipment that is better, more efficient or quieter than before. There may not be a big need for auto mechanics but since you can run diesels on any oil and older gas vehicles on wood smoke this may be the person that keeps you out of the dark during the dark ages. (Note: I am not telling you this, but a diesel truck will run on the oil taken from transformers on electrical poles. I did not say this and make sure you have waited until all electricity is dead.),

Nutrition – notice I did not say cook. This is the person that will keep you healthy by planning well balanced meals. If you plan on eating a lot of meat, foraged for the countryside, you better have a lot of milk of magnesia, Epsom Salts or Ex Lax on hand. Otherwise, the shit WON’T hit the fan,

Logistics – this is the discipline of having everything you need when you need it. If your logistician bought 7.62 x 39 ammunition for all your 5.56 x 45 rifles, you have a problem. This person has to be detail oriented in their planning. If you have dehydrated food for a year and no water, you won’t last long. This is a key person.

Communications – is necessary so you can at least hear what is happening. You can do this with a CB radio, shortwave radio or a HAM set. When you are used to getting information everyday, from multiple sources, to suddenly go cold turkey is frightening. IF there is a roving band of marauders/brigands headed your way you will want as much advanced notice as possible.

Everyone in your group must know every other persons skill. Each specialist much be able to teach what they know to others as well as do their job. Also, there will be a lot of unpleasant tasks that will have to be shared by all. All tasks should be on a rotating basis. Schedules should be posted and checked everyday by everyone. IN a survival situation there is no EXCUSE. Death is a reason not an excuse.

When asked what type of governmental system our group would use I told everyone that it would be a dictatorship and I am the dic. When it is time to fight or flee you can’t wait to have a discussion and vote. You have to move quickly or you will be dead. The leader of the group is just that. The leader may also be your mechanical expert or your gardening expert or no expert at all. The leader might be your “can do” person. That person that seems to be able to get anything done when no one else even knows where to start.

Another person you should have is your Tactical Coordinator. In many cases I am sure that this will be your firearms/self defense guru, but not necessarily. These titles are not student body titles to be voted on by the student body in a popular election. They must be based on skill sets, overall proficiency and ability. Your tactical coordinator might be 25 years old or they might be 65, or older. One very important criteria you SHOULD look for: they should be a veteran of an insurgency style conflict. I did not say conventional war veteran. Insurgency/counterinsurgency is a totally different mindset or paradigm. In counterinsurgency your sniper is your reconnaissance, your artillery and your first strike capability. This is completely different from a conventional war’s needs.

Don’t be guilty of the same mistake I was. When planning my personnel needs I depended upon people, especially family members, that were expert in two or more categories. I have lost two very key and vital people from my group, and also my family, that I depended on heavily. I valued their opinions and i loved them dearly. I can never replace their roles in my family and it will take at least 6 people to take their places in the group, if I can find them at all. You must have a person responsible for a skill set and train everyone in that skill set. If you lose your farmer and no one else knows diddely about farming you are screwed big time.

I’ve said it in at least one other article and I will say it again. “Do not send your corpsman (medical guru) or your tactical coordinator onto a live battlefield.” The wounded must be brought to the corpsman and the information brought to the Tactical Coordinator. You cannot afford to lose these two in a battle.

How many people? Good question. Keep your signature small. Around eight to twelve active members (not counting children) is ideal, 15 is okay but never, ever go over 20. When you reach twenty, divide into two 10 person groups, not counting children and start over, once again based on skill sets. Keep families intact at all cost. Isn’t that why we are fighting, for our families.

So I’ll boil it down. I do not believe that the united states of America will have any government greater than line of sight communities before three years after the fall. Community communication and coordination will begin around two to three years after the collapse and progress from there. At some point in time, after most of the bad guys are dead and it is safe to step in and PROTECT America from herself, we will be invaded by the latest bullies of the banksters. In a prolonged insurgency war, we Americans will win out over the sorry bastards sent against us. After that, we as a nation begin to rebuild based upon sound money and sound business practices. That’s it. Remember, opinions are like a**holes. Everybody has one and they all stink, just some less than others. I know it stinks. I know it is not rosy, but is it REAL. Quien Sabe?

3 responses to “When the POOP Hits the Oscillator

  1. Well SIXX you nailed it ! Its all there and precisley on target i think I can finish it up with this , we’ve seen all this before. I remember when these things were brought up while Reagan was in office. I remember the uproar that finally compelled Congress to abide under the same laws as us. There was a time when Congress was exempt from just about everything and I think Reagan was the one who forced Congress to live under its own yoke but, I guess that quietly expired and now it’s being treated as something new and radical! Unlike Congress of that time, Bush rendered Congress both impotent and insulated so that it can be a royal class of drones. Flaunting its privileges and daring us to do something about it.

    Sixx, I had been preaching 1789 France as the only solution but, I’ve found a far better and more applicable variation that DID succeed. The Romanian Revolution of 1989! Unlike the French Revolution that overthrew a royal dynasty only to have a cruder tyranny rise up in its place, the Romanian Revolution actually worked AND would work here. Like the ancien regime of France, communist Romania was suffering under a domestic tyranny BUT, in a modern scenario that could easily play out the same here in Occupied Amerika. This time, not only did the Romanian Army do the right thing and side with the people, they EXECUTED Ceauşescu and his wife by firing squad! The nation recovered and is now free with dignity. They are free with dignity because the U.S. had nothing to do with it.

    Haven’t you noticed how strong the media blackout is to never mention the Romanian Revolution at all? I vaguely remembered it happening but, I had to search for it. I was amazed at how right the Romanian Revolution was and how it is the best cure for us since we are suffering from a very similar cancer. and of course this is just another opinion but I think like you said we can win this.

    • The Romanian Revolution was a revolution against despots. “2” of them to be exact, when they where shot in the street that was it, game changed. USA is not ruled by 2 people, it is not ruled by the P.O.T.U.S. (the people are not aware of that) It is ruled by a number of globalists, faceless and pretty nameless individuals who do not necessarily live in the US. Find them and take em out all of them.

  2. I basically said this at BLN and I had “ONE” like! Well thats fine because me and mine will be OK but all those foolish sheeple who think if they ignore it long enough it will “sort itself out” well thats why I said “you were foolish” Dont kid yourselves, this isnt going to “sort itself out” “They” TPTB have plans for your demise, whether you believe or not makes no difference to me. If you live in a highly populated area you might want to think of moving as soon as the SHTF. Have a bug out plan and use it as soon as you are aware of whats happening, dont wait, it wont help. Go!

    I will not detail what I have done to be ready because that would or could compromise my own personal security and my family knows, even though they think I am nuts! because according to my boys “it just isnt going to happen” I can see I have my work cut out.

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