The ‘Terrorist’ Who Couldn’t Think Straight

Iranian ‘terrorist’ plot unravels

Would Iran recruit a used car salesman with a memory problem to conduct assassinations in the US?

This is a question you have to ask yourself when evaluating the alleged Iranian “terrorist” plot supposedly uncovered by Attorney General Eric Holder the other day. The arrest of Mansour Arbabsiar, a 56-year-old Iranian immigrant who came to this country as a college student, was the occasion for a trumpet blast of anti-Iranian propaganda and belligerent declarations by US officials, who vowed to “hold Iran accountable” for purportedly mounting a plot [.pdf] to kill the Saudi ambassador, bomb the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington, and strike at the Jewish community in Argentina.

The alleged plot was supposed to have been carried out by a member of the Zetas drug cartel, who was to be paid up to $1.5 million to implement the plan. US officials, even while acknowledging the “B-movie” aspect of the story, reportedly “fanned out” to convince our allies the plot was real and – with Congress already demanding new sanctions on Iran – that the economic vise be tightened. Not only are the more hysterical neocons calling for military action against Iran – no surprise there — but the headlines had the normally staid and relatively reserved Steve Clemons, a prominent Obama shill, babbling that “this is a serious situation” and “the U.S. has reached a point where it must take action,” and  Sen. Carl Levin calling the plot “an act of war.”

Less than 24 hours after Holder’s press conference, the whole fantasy began to unravel under closer scrutiny. Gary Sick, of the Middle East Institute at Columbia University, averred that the alleged plot “departs from all known Iranian policies and procedures,” and went on to write:

“It is difficult to believe that they would rely on a non-Islamic criminal gang to carry out this most sensitive of all possible missions. In this instance, they allegedly relied on at least one amateur and a Mexican criminal drug gang that is known to be riddled with both Mexican and U.S. intelligence agents.

“Whatever else may be Iran’s failings, they are not noted for utter disregard of the most basic intelligence tradecraft, e.g. discussing an ultra-covert operation on an open international line between Iran and the U.S. Yet that is what happened here.”

Kenneth Katzman, a Middle East analyst with the Congressional Research Office, concurs:

“There is simply no precedent — or even reasonable rationale — for Iran working any plot, no matter where located, through a non-Muslim proxy such as Mexican drug gangs. No one high up in the Quds, the I.R.G.C. command, the Supreme National Security Committee, or anywhere else in the Iranian chain of command would possibly trust that such a plot could be kept secret or carried out properly by the Mexican drug people. They absolutely would not trust such a thing to them, given Iran’s undoubted assumption that the Mexicans are penetrated by the D.E.A. and F.B.I. and A.T.F., etc — and indeed this plot was revealed by just such a U.S. informant….

“Are we to believe that this Texas car seller was a Quds sleeper agent for many years resident in the U.S.? Ridiculous. They (the Iranian command system) never ever use such has-beens or loosely connected people for sensitive plots such as this.”

Ridiculous – that just about says it all.

But as Ayn Rand once said: “Don’t bother to question a fallacy, ask yourself only what it accomplishes.” The idea is to target Iran as the next al-Qaeda: with the late unlamented Osama bin Laden out of the picture, the US has to find a replacement – and quick! – in order to justify its decade-long post-9/11 rampage across the Middle East and much of the rest of the world. What’s a war without an enemy? Iran has always been the War Party’s ultimate Middle Eastern target, and now they are making their move.

As an opening shot in a propaganda war, Holder’s startling announcement had high impact – but low credibility, as the excitement died down and the details came into focus. The problem with the narrative woven by the Justice Department is that the supposed fulcrum of this heinous plot, Senor Arbabsiar, is hardly the sort of character who makes a convincing terrorist/foreign agent. Longtime associate Tom Hosseini, a fellow Iranian-American who has known Arbabsiar for over 30 years, wondered aloud to a Washington Post reporter “how anyone – but most especially an elite military organization such as Iran’s Quds force — would get involved with Arbabsiar in the first place.”

“Maybe,” says Hosseini, “somebody offered him some money. He doesn’t have the brain to say no.”

Arbabsiar certainly had a lot of money on him when he and Hosseini met in Iranian Kurdistan last August: the Post reports he was “waving around crisp $100 bills” and declaring that there was a lot more where that came from. Yet Arbabsiar’s many businesses – “from used cars to kebabs” – had all failed. Perhaps this lack of business acumen was tied to his general inability to think straight, or, as the Post puts it:

“Within the small Iranian American community in this Gulf Coast city, Arbabsiar, 56, was well known and well liked. But he was also renowned for being almost comically absent-minded, perpetually losing keys, cellphones, briefcases, anything that wasn’t tied down.”

The Post profile is headlined “Mansour Arbabsiar recalled as upbeat about finances during summer encounter,” but the actual story deserves a title more along the lines of “The ‘terrorist’ who couldn’t think straight”:

“’He was just not organized,’ said David Tomscha, who once owned a car lot with Arbabsiar. ‘He would lose the titles to cars. Or he’d say it was a 1989 Grand Marquis when it was an ’82. And when you’d call him on it, he’d say, ‘What’s the difference?’ Eventually, I bought him out.’”

“There is a certain bewilderment in Corpus Christi that anyone as apparently hapless as Arbabsiar could get involved in an international conspiracy. ‘A goofy guy who always had a smile on his face,’ said Mitchel Hamauei, also a store owner. ‘Let me put it this way: He’s no mastermind.’”

Either the Iranian Revolutionary Guards have lowered their standards considerably, or Arbabsiar wasn’t working for them, but for someone else. The question is: who are the real masterminds?  Whoever they are, their intent was clear: this was a plot designed to be discovered.

The sheer implausibility of the position taken by both the US Justice Department and the State Department – that the Iranian government was behind the plot – necessitates a more subtle spin, such as the view taken by Meir Javadenfar, of the Israel-based Middle East Economic and Political Analysis Company. Javadenfar speculates that the whole thing was a “set up” of the Supreme Ayatollah Khamenei by a dissident faction within the Iranian national security apparatus. This assumes, of course, that the patently ridiculous Official Story is true, and even heightens its impact: for if there is a “rogue” element at work within Iranian ruling circles, then the danger is even more extreme. After all, here are presumed radicals who wouldn’t hesitate to bring destruction – in the form of US bombs falling on Tehran – on their own country, and certainly wouldn’t hesitate to inflict the same and worse on American soil.

This view, however, is fatally flawed, in that it assumes the veracity of the Justice Department’s narrative, which, as we have seen, is a fiction that fails – and fails badly – in the realm of character development. It is just not credible that the goofy Arbabsiar, who may have sustained brain damage as the result of a brutal beating he received in his student years, was the mastermind behind a plot that might have proved to be a twenty-first century Sarajevo.

More interesting, and much more credible, is the view of Hamid Serri, an Iran expert at Florida International University, who is cited in the New York Times as suggesting “another alternate explanation for the plot”:

“That it could have been the work of a non-Iranian intelligence agency or even a terrorist organization with an interest in creating ‘a confrontation that involves the U.S., Iran and Saudi Arabia.’ Referring to the fact that the only money that apparently changed hands before the alleged plot was exposed was $100,000 wired from what was said to be an Iranian-controlled bank account to a man posing as a member of the Mexican cartel Los Zetas (who turned out to be an informant for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency), Mr. Serri observed that this would be a ‘cheap price’ for an enemy of Iran to pay for the damning headlines that have appeared since the alleged plot was exposed.”

Which non-Iranian intelligence agencies and/or terrorist organizations would stand to gain from such a confrontation? I can think of two: the Israelis and al-Qaeda. The former, after all, have been agitating for war quite openly; and as for al-Qaeda, those vultures are likely to be found circling over any Middle Eastern battlefield.

In choosing between these two as the likely culprit, I’ll await fresh evidence before making a final judgment. I would note, however, that al-Qaeda isn’t in very good shape these days, with their top leadership mostly dead, and their ranks scattered and demoralized.

The Israelis, on the other hand, have both the means and the motivation: they are desperate to provoke a war between the US and Iran, and have been for years. Moreover, there are elements of Netanyahu’s government who would stop at nothing to achieve this end. Remember that Avigdor Lieberman is the Foreign Minister, and controls a good chunk of the Israeli national security bureaucracy: his extremist party, the successor to the infamous Kach movement, which wants to deport all Arabs and create a “Greater Israel,” is the electoral expression of the radical “settler” movement, which is now defying the Israeli army and carrying out terrorist attacks within Israel. In Weimar Israel, the extremists are on the rise – and they have their supporters within the establishment and the government itself, including the intelligence services.

Analysts often point, almost by default, to the option of attributing the alleged plot to a “rogue faction” of the Iranian government, but it’s just as likely – if not more likely – that this “rogue faction” is Israeli. It wouldn’t be the first time the Israelis have been strongly suspected of carrying out extensive covert activities in the US.

If, indeed, this is the case, then the question arises: has Holder’s Justice Department been duped, or are they complicit in the deception? In this scenario, no doubt evidence of both will rise to the surface, but I’m betting on the former. These are the same people who were duped by the cartels into replenishing their arsenals, and it looks to me like that same undercover operation has been duped — by an unknown third party — into provoking an incident that could lead to World War III.

Another possibility is that the Justice Department thought this up all by themselves, as a way to curry favor within an administration where they’re no doubt on the outs, and also to justify their Mexican operation, of which “Fast and Furious” is but a small part. The Law of Bureaucratic Self-Justification applies here, and that could well be the full explanation – although it may have played a complementary role to Serri’s thesis.

In any case, what you need to know about this case is that it’s one-hundred percent baloney, from start to finish. It’s the crudest sort of war propaganda, the kind that insults the intelligence of the audience it is supposed to convince – and that, too, is a clue to its provenance.


Julian Borger makes an important point in the Guardian:

“The key evidence that the alleged plot was serious was the $100,000 wire transfer. It came from a foreign bank account, but that cannot be an Iranian account because such transfers are impossible under US law. The money must have come from a third country, but which? And how can the US authorities be so sure the foreign accounts were under the control of the Quds force?”

I have a feeling this case will never come to an open and extended trial, at which the details of this absurdly fishy case would spill out and stink up the courtroom.

Read more by Justin Raimondo

Bombshell: Underwear Bomber Calls Haskell As Defense Witness


Detroit lawyer saw well-dressed man aid Abdulmutallab through security

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, October 10, 2011

In a shocking development in the trial of the accused underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, Delta Flight 253 eyewitness Kurt Haskell has been called by Abdulmutallab as a witness for the defense, a move that could blow the whole case wide open.

Detroit Lawyer Haskell has been a prominent skeptic of the government’s official version of events, having witnessed a well-dressed man help Abdulmutallab clear security before the incident on Christmas Day 2009 despite the fact that the bomber had no passport, in addition to the fact that his own father had warned U.S. intelligence officials of the threat posed by Abdulmutallab a month before the attempted attack.

It later emerged that the State Department was ordered not to revoke Abdulmutallab’s visa by “federal counterterrorism officials” even though the accused bomber had known terrorist ties.

Haskell maintains that Abdulmutallab was carrying a fake bomb and was the unwitting dupe in a case of government entrapment.

“Chambers indicates that I may be the only defense witness called,” writes Haskell on his blog. “How ironic is it that I will have Umar’s life in my hands just as Umar had my life in his hands (or underwear) on Christmas Day 2009? I will be up to the task. I realize that some may not agree with me and may attempt to harm me. Nevertheless, I will speak the truth and not be intimidated. I will do this for the common good of all of the citizens of the United States.”

Abdulmutallab’s court “outbursts,” in which he shouts clichéd rhetoric about the mujahadeen, Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, suggest that he is being coached on how to behave and what to say, suggests Haskell. The outbursts are in complete contradiction to how he behaved during the Flight 253 incident, Haskell told the Associated Press.

“I saw him before boarding and he never said anything, I’ve seen him in court several times, and I even saw him when he lit his fake bomb and his crotch was burning and he never makes a peep. This is totally out of character for him,” Haskell told AP writer Ed White, although White later edited the quote.

During his interview on the Alex Jones Show today, Haskell pointed out that if Abdulmutallab chooses to reveal what he knows about the entire plot, it could be more damaging to the Obama administration than the Fast and Furious scandal, and would undermine the entire foundation of the war on terror and the TSA grope downs and body scans that were introduced in the aftermath of the event.

Abdulmutallab could reveal which intelligence agents gave him the dud bomb, while also lifting the lid on the role of Anwar al-Awlaki, who as we have documented was clearly a double agent posing as an Al-Qaeda leader while doing the bidding of the US intelligence community.

Aware that his involvement in the case and his assertions of government complicity in the aborted attack could put his life in danger, Haskell made it clear on air that he was not planning on committing suicide.

Officials say Radical American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki killed

29 September 2011


SANAA, Yemen — An American radical cleric linked to al-Qaida who led an organization labeled as one of the most serious threats to U.S. security was killed by an airstrike in Yemen Friday, according to the country’s defense ministry and U.S. officials.

“The terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki has been killed along with some of his companions,” the Yemen defense ministry said in a statement sent by text message to journalists, Reuters reported.

A Yemeni security official told Reuters that al-Awlaki, who is of Yemeni descent, was hit in a Friday morning air raid in the northern al-Jawf province that borders oil giant Saudi Arabia.

He said four others killed with him were suspected al-Qaida members.

NBC News reported that U.S. officials had confirmed that an unmanned American drone had launched the airstrike. A U.S. drone aircraft targeted but missed him in May.

Story: Plenty of al-Qaida targets remain after Osama bin Laden’s death

U.S. Rep. Peter King, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, hailed al-Awlaki’s death as “a great success in our fight” against al-Qaida and its affiliates, in a statement sent to NBC News.

“For the past several years, al-Awlaki has been more dangerous even than Osama bin Laden had been. The killing of al-Awlaki is a tremendous tribute to President Obama and the men and women of our intelligence community,” he added.


Dick Cheney, the Ultimate American Terrorist


by: William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed

Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.

– Dick Cheney

It is axiomatic by now: when someone leaves government service, especially from a high-profile position, they write a book. They all do it, sometimes more than once. Richard Nixon is the main example of one who produced a multi-volume apologia; by the time he went into the ground, he’d penned enough books to fill a wide shelf. Henry Kissinger was similarly prolific, which leads one to wonder about the relationship between criminal activities and the printed page. Nixon was chased from office after a series of crimes that, at the time, had no precedent, and Kissinger is still so infamous that he cannot travel abroad for fear of arrest. Both wrote enough books to take up half the political science section of any local bookstore, perhaps in the vain attempt to explain away the lasting damage their actions did to the republic.

Speaking of damaging the republic, Dick Cheney has a book out. I’m sure you’ve heard about it by now; he laid the groundwork for its release by claiming the contents would cause heads to explode in Washington, causing a lot of people who should know better by now to say, “Ooooh, this should be good.” It isn’t, at all, but I must confess that my head did come very close to launching itself off my shoulders…not because of what’s in the book, but because I have to deal with the rancid reality of a free and un-convicted Dick Cheney appearing in the public eye once again.

If there were any justice to be found in this deranged country, Dick Cheney would have penned his pestiferous, self-serving little memoir by the light of a bare bulb inside the cell of a federal prison. If there were any justice to be found, Mr. Cheney would be forced to contend with the “Son of Sam Law,” which, according to World Law Direct, “refers to a type of law designed to keep criminals from profiting from their crimes, often by selling their stories to publishers. Such laws often authorize the state to seize money earned from such a deal and use it to compensate the criminal’s victims.”

The Son of Sam, a.k.a. David Berkowitz, killed six people and wounded several others during his notorious summer-long shooting spree in New York. Berkowitz is an absolute piker compared to Dick Cheney, whose actions directly caused deaths and injuries that number in the hundreds of thousands. The deaths he is responsible for are ongoing to this day, in fact. If there were any justice to be found, whatever profits he earns from his book would be spread out between the families of dead and wounded soldiers whom he lied into war in Iraq, between the families of dead and wounded Iraqi civilians, and between Americans like Valerie Plame, who along with numerous other intelligence figures, had their lives bulldozed by Cheney’s eight-year rampage through our system of government.

It would hardly amount to a pittance paid to each injured party – there are so many to account for! – but it would be a kind of justice all the same, for nary a dime of profit would line Dick Cheney’s already-stuffed pockets.

Alas, the generations to come will be forced to reckon with one of the great and lasting failures of the Obama administration: the simple, unbelievable fact of Dick Cheney’s continued freedom. He and his ilk committed enough brazen crimes to keep a brace of federal prosecutors busy for the next twenty-five years, and yet Mr. Cheney remains unmolested by the system of law he so vigorously disdained. According to Wikileaks, not only has the Obama administration failed to seek a reckoning with Cheney, they worked vigorously behind the scenes to ensure that no such reckoning will ever come to pass.

And so we have Dick, and his book, and yet another hard lesson on the absence of justice. He’ll make a few bucks off the thing, which he can bank next to the obscene millions he gained through his nefarious Halliburton war profiteering. He was still getting paid by Halliburton while in office. Remember that? They called it a “deferred retirement benefit,” an annual check with six zeroes to the left of the decimal, and all the while Cheney was steering your tax dollars into Halliburton’s coffers with a blizzard of bald-faced lies about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

There is so much to remember about Dick Cheney’s time in office. There was the Office of Special Plans, which he created to formulate the most effective lies possible about Iraq, WMD, and connections to September 11. There was the torture in Abu Ghraib and elsewhere, which he referred to as “the dark side” and which he championed with great vigor. There was his dismissal of lawfully-issued congressional subpoenas, and his dedication to the idea of a “Unitary Executive” which is beholden to nothing and no one. There was his broad plan to spy on millions of Americans without a warrant, which he wanted to continue even after the whole thing was declared to be illegal. There was (and remains) the program of indefinite detention without due process of law, which was his baby, and there was the coddling of known criminal and double-agent Ahmed Chalabi, who was his pal.

There was all this, and so much more besides, but one incident stands out in my mind above all else. It was only an accent in the symphony of wrongdoing Cheney directed from his office, and was barely noticed at the time, but I will never forget it.

It was a simple thing, really: the National Archives, by dint of two different federal laws, annually collects the official papers of the Executive Branch for the edification of future historians, researchers and government officials. It is a by-rote requirement, one small cog in the wheelworks of government, but not this time.

Dick Cheney said no. No, you cannot have any papers from the office of the Vice President, and for one reason: the office of the Vice President, because I say so, is not part of the Executive Branch.

It deserves to be written twice: Dick Cheney actually claimed, with his bare face hanging out to all the world, that the office of the Vice President is not part of the Executive Branch. The unmitigated gall required to utter such a claim, especially after so much talk about the “Unitary Executive,” is unparalleled in modern American history.

There, right there, is everything you need to know about the man. Dick Cheney is the ultimate American terrorist, one who not only lacks respect for American law and government, but who spent his eight years in office actively working to destroy and dismember the functions of that government. He tore the place up, deliberately and with intent, because he hated the law and the government it supported, and we will be a long time recovering from his deeds. He is directly and personally responsible for thousands of deaths and injuries. If this is not terrorism in the raw, then the word has no meaning.

Dick Cheney has blood on his hands, but will remain free for the foreseeable future because the administration that replaced his lacks the honor, integrity and intestinal fortitude to address what he has done. Until such a reckoning is at hand, all I can do is remind Mr. Cheney, and anyone who will listen, of another fact of law that, God willing, will be brought to bear against him someday.

There is no statute of limitations on murder, and murder is exactly what he did.


Every normal man must be tempted,at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
H. L. Mencken

Be nice to America. Or we’ll bring democracy to your country!








Man arrested after Al Qaeda statements, backpack found in car

FBI Special Agent Brenda Heck, who heads the counterterrorism division of the FBI’s Washington field office, center, speaks at a news conference with U.S. Park Police spokesman Sgt. David Schlosser and Arlington Police spokeswoman Cpl. Crystal Nosal after a man was taken into custody and his car, found near the Pentagon, forced multiple road closures June 17, 2011, in Arlington, Va. (AP Photo

Read more:

A law enforcement source told CBS News that the man detained in the discovery of a suspicious car found outside the Pentagon Friday morning was carrying a notebook that contained the phrases, “al Qaeda,” “Taliban rules” and “Mujahid defeated croatian forces.”

Despite the references to the terror organization that organized the 9/11 attacks, the group fighting U.S. forces in Afghanistan and the Arabic word for “holy warrior,” the source said the man is not thought to have been involved in a terrorist act or plot, CBS News investigative producer Pat Milton reports.

“It seems to be washing out at this point, but it is still being drilled down on,” the source told Milton.

Al Qaeda hit list of individuals posted on web
Video: David Martin reports on “The Early Show”The source said the man’s backpack also contained 20 spent 9 mm shell casings and three cans of black spray paint.

FBI Special Agent Brenda Heck, who heads the bureau’s counterterrorism division in its Washington field office, told reporters that a non-explosive material was also found in the backpack.

A law enforcement official speaking on the condition of anonymity said officials found what appeared to be an unknown quantity of ammonium nitrate. The official, who was not authorized to release the information, said nothing else was found that would have enabled an explosion. The official said tests were being done to determine the substance and the exact concentration.

Ammonium nitrate is a chemical compound that is widely used in fertilizers and can be used in explosives with the correct concentration.

The man, who the FBI only described as being approximately in his 20s, was being held by the U.S. Park Police. No charges have been filed against him.

“This is all very unfolding and a continuing investigation,” Heck told reporters.

The man was detained after the U.S. Park Police came across him in early Friday morning in Arlington National Cemetery, when it is closed, triggering an investigation. The Park Police then launched a search for the man’s vehicle, which was found near the Pentagon in Arlington, Va., just outside of Washington, D.C., Park Police spokesman Sgt. David Schlosser said.

The 2011 red Nissan prompted the Arlington County Fire Department’s bomb disposal unit to follow protocols, including the use of a water cannon, to render the vehicle safe, Arlington Police spokeswoman Cpl. Crystal Nosal told reporters.

Heck said no suspicious items were found in the vehicle.

Pentagon police spokesman Chris Layman said the car was in bushes near the Pentagon’s north parking lot.

Previously, the man in custody was reported to have been suspected of planting suspicious devices in the Arlington area, at the national cemetery, the Pentagon and the U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial, also known as the Iwo Jima Memorial. Schlosser did not confirm that report.

CBS News reports that the Marine Corps Memorial is open to the public. Arlington National Cemetery was briefly closed but has since reopened.

Matthew Chandler, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, told CBS News that federal agencies were involved with the investigation.

“DHS is monitoring a suspicious vehicle incident causing road closures around the Pentagon,” Chandler said. “This is a law enforcement matter at this time, with the U.S. Park Police and the Arlington County Police Department as leads and other federal agencies on the scene.”

In another incident earlier this week, a motorist found with a gun and what appeared to be a suspicious package near the Pentagon was taken into custody.


When False Flags Don’t Fly

Bomb plot suspect arrested trying to catch flight to Dubai

New York (CNN) — A naturalized U.S. citizen from Pakistan arrested overnight in the Times Square bombing investigation will appear in a Manhattan federal courtroom Tuesday morning to face formal charges.

Faisal Shahzad, 30, was arrested at JFK International Airport in New York at 11:45 p.m. E.T. Monday as he prepared to board a flight to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said early Tuesday from Washington.

But a federal law enforcement source said Shahzad nearly made it out of the country. “They just caught him at the last second,” according to the source, who said Shahzad was on board the flight to Dubai and the jetway had been pulled back when the plane was called to return to the gate.

Shahzad is now believed to be the person who drove the sports utility vehicle used in the attempted bombing to Times Square, a law enforcement official said.

The Nissan Pathfinder had its vehicle identification number removed from the dashboard. Police climbed under the SUV and retrieved the VIN from the bottom of its engine block. This, said the official, led investigators to the registered owner of the vehicle and then to Shahzad who purchased the SUV.

Shahzad claimed to have acted alone in the attempted bombing, said another law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation. The Joint Terrorism Task Force investigating the bombing attempt has said it’s considering the possibility that the attempt involved more than just a “lone wolf.”

Law enforcement officials had said that Shahzad was the person who bought the Nissan Pathfinder used in the bombing attempt, but had not placed him behind the wheel.

Although officials have not confirmed what flight Shahzad was trying to take, Emirates Air Flight 202 was the only flight scheduled to fly to Dubai last night from JFK. The airline’s website says the flight was delayed until 6 a.m. ET Tuesday.

A federal law enforcement source said Shahzad has traveled to Dubai before, most recently in June 2009. He returned to the United States in early April. Dubai is travel hub and may not have been Shahzad’s final destination.

According to a source familiar with the investigation, authorities believe the plan was an intended terrorist attack to set off explosives in the heart of midtown Manhattan on Saturday night, but the individuals didn’t have the expertise to detonate their device.

The Nissan Pathfinder had been sold three weeks ago in a cash deal with no paperwork exchanged, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation told CNN earlier Monday. The $1,800 deal was closed at a Connecticut shopping mall, where the buyer handed over the money and drove off, the source said.

A federal law enforcement official said the information gained from the vehicle’s sale was the lynchpin in the case.

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New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg praised the federal and local law enforcement agencies involved in the investigation, saying their focused and swift efforts led to this arrest after only 48 hours of around-the-clock investigation.”

“I hope their impressive work serves as a lesson to anyone who would do us harm,” he said.

Shahzad became a U.S. citizen on April 17, 2009, which aided investigators in the case, the federal law enforcement source said. Because of his recent change in residency status, authorities had his picture and was able to show it to the seller of the vehicle, who identified Shahzad as the purchaser.

A bomb made up of propane tanks, fertilizer and gasoline failed to detonate inside the SUV on Saturday night. New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said the device could have produced “a significant fireball” in the heart of Midtown Manhattan had it detonated properly.

Earlier, authorities said they were searching for two people they wanted to question in connection with the would-be bomb. A video obtained from a tourist in the area shows a person apparently running north on Broadway, while another video shows a balding man with dark hair removing a shirt and putting it in a bag before walking out of view of the camera, which was inside a restaurant.

“These are not suspects,” Kelly said. “These are people we would like to speak to.”

From Islamabad, the Pakistani government weighed in on the arrest.

“We condemn all forms of terrorism,” said Farahnaz Ispahani, a government spokesman. “If the man arrested is proven to have some involvement in the New York Times Square failed bombing, we are sure that he will get the justice he deserves.”

The question of who was behind the failed bomb attempt was the subject of intense scrutiny Monday. Kelly said it was “too early to say” whether the attempt was carried out by a lone wolf, international terrorists, or any other type of network.

Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud appeared on a video released less than 24 hours after the attempt, claiming Taliban fighters were prepared to inflict “extremely painful blows” in major U.S. cities. But a senior U.S. military official said there was no “credible evidence” at the early stages of the investigation that the Pakistani Taliban was responsible for the Times Square bomb incident.

And one counterintelligence official told CNN there was no evidence of any communications among terrorist organizations overseas about the device after Saturday night’s attempt. “People overseas were not giving high fives … or saying anything about the bomb not working,” the official said. “There is no indication that there was that kind of tie.”

Another U.S. official with direct awareness of the latest U.S. understanding of the incident said the Pakistani group has never shown “trans-national capabilities” like other groups, such as al Qaeda. But such a possibility is “not something one can rule out at this early stage,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information.

But Pakistan’s Taliban movement has been linked to a 2008 plot to blow up subway stations in the Spanish city of Barcelona, and at least two of the 11 men convicted in the plot came to Barcelona from Pakistan, Spanish prosecutors said.

And Jim Cavanaugh, a former agent with the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said the bomber could have been “internationally inspired,” but the device showed little sign that a group like al Qaeda was behind it. “Their bombs would be better funded, better fused, better materials, better knowledge,” he said.

The device inside the Pathfinder was made up of propane tanks, gasoline and fertilizer that turned out to be of a non-explosive grade, along with a metal pot containing wiring and firecrackers. More firecrackers were found in a can on the back seat of the vehicle, sandwiched between two full, five-gallon gasoline cans and connected by wires to clocks.

Cavanaugh called the bomb “a Rube Goldberg contraption” that would have been difficult to set off.

“That does not mean that the bomb’s not deadly,” he said. Someone close by could be hurt or killed. “But it’s not a very reliable working system, a fusing and firing system, at all,” he told CNN.

Kevin Barry, a former New York bomb squad member, said the device had “no known signature” — a style of construction that might link it to known terrorist groups. That suggests it was the work of either an individual or a new organization, said Barry, who is now an adviser to the International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators.

Barry said the detonating mechanism lacked the energy needed to properly set off the explosion.

New York police have been examining the device for clues such as fingerprints, hair and fibers since Saturday. The vehicle and bomb components were taken to the FBI’s forensic laboratory in Quantico, Virginia, on Monday, FBI spokesman Richard Kolko said Monday evening.