Category Archives: RADICAL ISLAM

Hertz fires 26 Muslim drivers refusing to clock out for prayer

SEATTLE — More than two dozen Somali Muslim drivers for Hertz at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport are being fired after refusing to clock out for daily breaks during which they normally pray, according to media reports Thursday.

The 26 workers drive the company’s rental cars to and from the airport for cleaning and refueling. They are among 34 Hertz employees suspended Sept. 30 for failing to clock out before breaks.

Eight of the 34 signed the clock-out agreement and have returned to their jobs, company spokesman Rich Broome told The Associated Press Friday in an email. Termination letters have been sent to the rest.

The company made it clear the suspended workers needed to agree to the clock-out conditions by the end of the day Thursday if they wanted to be reinstated, Broome told The Seattle Times.

The firings were first reported by KOMO-TV.

Broome told the AP earlier this month “It’s not about prayer, it’s not about religion; it’s about reasonable requirements.”

Observant Muslims pray several times a day.

Hertz said the suspended workers were violating provisions of a collective bargaining agreement and a settlement with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reached two years ago.

Teamsters Local 117, which represents the workers, said the two sides were unable to negotiate an agreement that would have allowed the workers to return to their pre-suspension status, under which they wouldn’t have to clock out to pray.

Union spokesman Paul Zilly said the workers were given an ultimatum to sign the clock-out document.

If Hertz felt some employees were abusing the break policies, it should have dealt with them individually, Zilly said.

The union said the break clock-out requirement is not in the contract and Hertz had agreed during negotiations last year that it would not require it.

The union has filed an unfair labor practices complaint with the National Labor Relations Board. The union also said it is filing religious discrimination charges with the EEOC.

The union represents nearly 80 Hertz drivers who earn between $9.15 and $9.95 an hour. About 70 percent are Muslims.

Read more:

Tea Party’s event on Islam booted from Sugar Land hotel

Pamela Geller, an activist speaking in Sugar Land Tuesday, has raised controversy over her approach to Islam in America. (AP

The Sugar Land Tea Party was forced to move an event featuring a prominent critic of radical Islam after Hyatt Place learned of opponents’ plans to protest it.

The hotel, where activist Pamela Geller was going to address the crowd and sign copies of her new book Stop the Islamization of America, cancelled their meeting space, forcing the Tea Party to reserve a nearby community center.

“In light of the business disruptions affiliated with this event, it has been moved to an alternate location,” said a Hyatt Place manager, who declined to give further details on the decision.

Geller is known for her views on Islam, including strong opposition to the Ground Zero Mosque (which she is said to have nicknamed), dismissal of liberal politicians for “giving in” to American Muslims and continued belief that President Barack Obama was not born in the U.S.

On her right-wing blog Atlas Shrugs, Geller urged readers to boycott the hotel for cancelling the event, calling it a setback to free speech and “a stunning surrender to Islamic supremacism.”

The Sugar Land Democrats Club announced their protest on Sunday and still plans to hold a peaceful demonstration at the event’s new location, the Sugar Land Community Center.

“Let’s send a message to the fear mongers and haters in Sugar Land and Fort Bend County that the likes of Ms. Pamela Geller and her bigoted ideology are not welcome here in the 4th most racially diverse county in the USA,” residents Deron Patterson and Q Imam said in a press release.

The community center can be rented out for public or private events, like tonight’s book signing, said Doug Adolph, Sugar Land city spokesman.

All attendees and protestors must follow the law, but the community center does not place any further restrictions on First Amendment rights, he said.

Like Geller, two-thirds of Americans who identify with the Tea Party movement say that Islam is at odds with the American way of life, according to a survey by the Public Religion Research Institute. The survey also showed Tea Party members are nearly twice as likely as the general public to believe that American Muslims want to establish sharia law. They are less comfortable with  mosques in their communities, Muslims praying in airports and Muslim women wearing niqab.

The Sugar Land Tea Party event isn’t the first time Geller has come to the Houston area. The local chapter of Act! For America hosted Geller and fellow anti-Jihadist Robert Spencer in June, when they showed their film, The Ground Zero Mosque: Second Wave of the 911 Attacks.

“We believe presentations such as this also provide an opportunity for citizens to learn more about how Islamic Law (Sharia) contradicts the U.S. Constitution– an excellent example of which we are seeing played out right before us at this event, in that Shariah Law prohibits Freedom of Speech if the speech can be considered to be ‘offensive’ to Muslims,” said Susan Watts, of Act! For America Houston, by email.

Fear, Inc. – a recent report by the Center for American Progress—labels Geller one of the main players in the country’s Islamophobia network and says her blog incites Muslim fear-mongering among the right-wing blogosphere, including some politically conservative Christians.

“She writes about Muslims in the most reductive and offensive way imaginable,” said Matt Duss, an analyst on national security policy at the center. Geller, he said, has been able to strike an emotional chord with her readers and followers by orchestrating controversy and fear over Islam, as she did with the Ground Zero mosque incident.

Geller and Spencer’s organization – Stop Islamization of America—was founded in 2010 to fight radical Islam and terrorism, but their opponents insist the organization’s scope extends far beyond that.

The Anti-Defamation League wrote Sugar Land city officials and religious leaders ahead of the upcoming event, warning them of Geller’s vilification of Islam. The ADL said her group “promotes a conspiratorial anti-Muslim agenda,” and the Southern Poverty Law Association has labeled it a hate group.

Geller’s supporters, who continue to see radical Islam as a dangerous, real and urgent threat, disagree with these characterizations.

“We see value in presentations like (hers) as one of the tools available in learning more about the creep of Sharia Law and it’s customs, as well as an opportunity to understand the impact of Cultural (or Stealth) Jihad which is usually aided by a complicit media paralyzed by Political Correctness,” Watts said.

How IS Islam taking over the USA? BY GOVERNMENT FIAT

If this doesn’t explicitly and unarguably demonstrate the utter lunacy of the left, and the hypocrisy and bankruptcy of their so-called “tolerance,” political correctness, and culture norming –I don’t know what would.

Imams Arrested For Alleged Pakistani Taliban Links in US

14 May 2011

MIAMI (CNN) — Two South Florida imams and a third family member were arrested Saturday on charges of providing support to the Pakistani Taliban, the Justice Department said. In addition, three others in Pakistan were also indicted on the same charges. FBI agents arrested Hafiz Khan and his son Izhar Khan in South Florida, the department said. They are expected to make their initial court appearance in federal court on Monday.

Another of Hafiz Khan’s sons, Irfan Khan, was arrested in Los Angeles and will appear in court there. Also charged are three Pakistani residents: Ali Rehman, Alam Zeb, and Amina Khan. Amina Khan is Hafiz Khan’s daughter, and Zeb is his grandson. The four-count indictment alleges that all six defendants conspired to provide material support to a conspiracy to kill, injure and kidnap people abroad, and that they provided support to the Pakistani Taliban. Hafiz Khan is the imam at Flagler Mosque in Miami. Izhar Khan, is an imam at the Jamaat Al-Mu’mineen Mosque in Margate, Florida. Two U.S. officials said that the indictment and arrests were not linked to the May 2 killing of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. The charges relate to alleged crimes committed between 2008 and 2010. “Despite being an imam, or spiritual leader, Hafiz Khan was by no means a man of peace. Instead, as today’s charges show, he acted with others to support terrorists to further acts of murder, kidnapping and maiming,” U.S. Attorney Wilfredo A. Ferrer said. “But for law enforcement intervention, these defendants would have continued to transfer funds to Pakistan to finance the Pakistani Taliban, including its purchase of guns.” The indictment describes a number of occasions where Hafiz Khan transferred money to Pakistan, and where money was withdrawn once there. “Khan solicited and distributed funds for the Pakistani Taliban, both personally and on behalf of others, and worked with the co-defendants and others to support the Pakistani Taliban’s jihad,” the indictment states. The court documents also list several conversations between Hafiz Khan and the other defendants where he calls for attacks against the Pakistani government and inquires whether money had been delivered to the Pakistani Taliban. The elder Khan also built a madrassa in Pakistan’s Swat Valley that provided shelter for the terrorist group, the indictment states. The Pakistani Taliban represent a confederation of Taliban groups in northwestern Pakistan, where they are based, said Bill Roggio, military-affairs analyst who is managing editor of The Long War Journal. Those fighters attack targets in Pakistan and across the border in Afghanistan. The group, which is headquartered in Quetta, is different from the Afghan Taliban, which has been focused on re-establishing the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan. Both groups swear allegiance to Taliban leader Mullah Omar and have close ties to al Qaeda, he said


COLONEL SIXX: Check out the names I have highlighted in RED. Are they MUSLIMS?

The Great Imam Al Mahdi is an Islamic belief that is prophesied by the Koran.

In a sense Imam Al Mahdi is the Muslim equal to the second coming of Christ for Christians. Most Muslims belief that Imam Al Mahdi will come back on Judgment day, will create world peace and lead the Islamic prayer in Mecca (Mekkah), and Jesus Christ will be at Imam Al Mahdi’s side.

  • Be from among the family of Prophet
  • Among the descendants of Fatima
  • Have a broad forehead and pointed noise
  • Appear in one night; just before the day of judgment;
  • Have same name as hazrat Muhammad
  • Escape from Madina to Makkah
  • People will pledge allegiance to him;
  • Receive pledge and help of Iraqi people;
  • Fight in battles;
  • Lead a prayer in Mekkah which Jesus(pbuh) will follow in
  • Eradicate tyranny and oppression;
  • Spread justice and equity on earth;
  • Rule over the Arabs for seven years

Mahdi will have a broad forehead and a pointed (prominent) nose. He will fill the earth with justice as it is filled with injustice and tyranny. He will rule for seven years. (Abu Dawud, Sahih, Vol. 2, p. 208; Fusul al-muhimma, p. 275)
A huge army will proceed from Syria to attack him but when they will be at Baida, which is between Makkah and Madina, they will be swallowed into the ground.

On seeing this, the Abdaals of Shaam as well as large numbers of people from Iraq will come to him and pledge their allegiance to him. Then a person from the Quraish, whose uncle will be from the Bani Kalb tribe will send an army to attack him, only to be overpowered, by the will of Allah. This (defeated) army will be that of the Bani Kalb. Unfortunate indeed is he who does not receive a share from the booty of the Kalb. This person (Imam Mahdi) will distribute the spoils of war after the battle. He will lead the people according to the Sunnat and during his reign Islam will spread throughout the world. He will remain till seven years (since his emergence). He will pass away and the Muslims will perform his Janazah salaat.


“ Islam will spread throughout the world. – “

Sql Space Generally has more intellgence files on him.

* Denotes Deceased
Dr. Mahmoud Zahar , Mahmoud Abbas , Moqtada al-Sadr , The Great Imam Mahdi , Muammar al-Qaddafi ,* Saddam Hussein , * Ahmed Shah Massoud , Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah , Osama Bin Laden , * Yehiya Ayyash ,* Abu Musab al Zarqawi , Ayman Al-Zawahiri , * Abu Abbas , Hassan Nasrallah , Abdul Qadeer Khan , Muhammad Atef , Ariel Sharon , Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani , Imad Fayez Mugniyah , *Yasser Arafat , Mohammad Khatami , Bashir Assad , Azzam the American , *Sheikh Ahmed Yassin , * Abdel Aziz Rantisi , George W. Bush , Bill Clinton , Michael Chertoff , Hillary Rodham Clinton , John D. Negroponte , Howard Dean , Dick Cheney , Bill Gates , John Kerry , Bill Frist , Donald Rumsfeld , John Edwards , Louis Farrakhan , Matt Drudge , Ralph Nader , Alan Greenspan , Condoleezza Rice , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Gijs de Vries , Jacques Chirac , Vladimir Putin , Rosalinda Celentano , Gerhard Schroder , Prince Charles , Prince William , * Pope John Paul II , Tony Blair , Maitreya , Kim Jong Il , Paul Wolfowitz , Hu Jintao , George H.W. Bush , Michael Schiavo , George J. Felos , Pope Benedict XVI , Viktor Yushchenko , Sheikh Abu Hafs al-Qarni , Karl Rove , David Gergen , Abu Hamza al-Masri , Alex Jones , Cindy Sheehan , Michael Moore , John Roberts , Michael Brown , Harriet Miers , Scott McClellan , Ben Bernanke , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , Samuel Alito , Lewis Libby , Stephen Harper , Michael Hayden , Ehud Olmert , Robert Gates , John McCain , Barack Obama

Outrage: Florida Judge Orders Islamic Sharia Law be Used to Settle Dispute

Florida Circuit Court Judge Richard A. Nielsen

By Dr. Richard Swier

Judge Richard A. Nielsen, Circuit Court of Hillsborough County, FL has ordered, “Ecclesiastical Islamic Law, pursuant to the Qur’an” be used to settle a civil dispute among Muslim Brothers.

In Florida we now have two laws – American and Sharia Islamic.

As I have stated before you cannot have two sets of laws in any nation. Americans, whether native born or naturalized, are subject to our Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land. Sharia Law is incompatible with our Constitution. However, Judge Nielsen does not think so and stated in his order that if the Muslim Brothers cannot reach a resolution then, “the dispute is to be presented to an Islamic judge for determination, and that is or can be an A’lim [a Muslim learned in Sharia Law]”. [My emphasis]

Now we have two sets of judges in Florida – one who understands the Constitution and one who understands the Qur’an.

Do you see how destructive this is for Muslims and non-Muslims alike? Where does this stop?

Judge Nielsen has single handily put Florida on a very dangerous and slippery slope because he seems incapable of making a simple legal decision based upon the facts in the case, something we are paying him to do as an officer of the court.

According to the Florida case Matthews v. Adams, 520 So. 2d 334, (Fla. 5th DCA 1988) involving a dispute within the Catholic church, “When the members of the church decided to incorporate their body under the laws of the state of Florida they submitted themselves to the jurisdiction of the state courts in all matters of a corporate nature, such as accounting for funds.” Does not Judge Nielson know about this case?

Thankfully, Florida Senator Alan Hays and Representative Larry Metz have introduced legislation prohibiting the use of foreign laws to settle disputes in Florida. HB 1273:

Defines term “foreign law, legal code, or system”; specifies public policy of this state in applying choice of foreign law, legal code, or system; declares that certain decisions rendered under such laws, codes, or systems are void; declares that certain choice of venue or forum provisions in contract are void; provides for construction of waiver by natural person of person’s constitutional rights; declares that claims of forum non conveniens or related claims must be denied, etc.

But wait, a group called United Voices for America, founded by Ahmed Bedier, is against this bill. In an e-mail to Muslims and non-Muslims alike Mr. Bedier states:

“A nationwide assault on religious freedom is underway. Right-wing lawmakers across the country are trying to demonize Muslims with sneaky new laws. It’s happening in Oklahoma, Missouri, and, now, Florida.”

Why would a Muslim organization want Sharia Islamic Law implemented in Florida? Clearly Muslims in Florida in this dispute want to be judged under American, not Sharia Islamic, laws. What is wrong with laws in America and Florida in the mind of Mr. Bedier? It is clear no one is trying to “demonize Muslims”, nor is this law “sneaky”.

According to a paper provided by proponents of the law, titledWhy American and Florida Laws for Florida Courts“:

The purpose of American and Florida Laws for Florida Courts [HB 1273] is to preserve the sovereignty of the US and Florida and their respective Constitutions by preventing the encroachment of foreign laws and legal systems, such as Shariah law, that run counter to our individual constitutional liberties and freedoms.”

You cannot have two sets of laws and two sets of judges ruling in civil or crminal matters. This order by Judge Nielson flys in the face of everything our U.S. and Florida Constitutions stand for. The first Sharia Court was established in England in 2008. By 2009 there were eighty-five Sharia Courts in England.

The reintroduction of Sharia is a longstanding goal for Islamist movements in Muslim countries. With the singled handed order of Judge Nielson it has now started in America – Sharia Islam rising.

FBI sued for spying on Muslims

A class action lawsuit has been levelled against the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Leading US Muslim organization, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, has joined with the American Civil Liberties Union to file suit in a California court.

It has been alleged the FBI and seven of its employees violated the first amendment rights of hundreds of Muslims by monitoring individuals and recording conversations in several California mosques.

The lawsuit claims the FBI was fishing for “potential terrorists.”

The ACLU of Southern California has said the FBI should have been investigating actual threats instead of spying Americans worshiping at mosques.

It is alleged that the FBI collected personal information on thousands of Muslim Americans, gathering hundreds of phone numbers, thousands of e-mail addresses and hundreds of hours of video recordings.


The U.S. Government’s Inexplicable Blindness to Radical Islam



1. Not proceed to court-martial

2. Have a mistrial if it does go to trial

3. Be found insane and go to a mental hospital instead of a jail.  Choose one.

Major Hasan, ‘Star Officer’

Every branch of the military issued a final report on the Fort Hood massacre. Not a single one mentioned radical Islam.

In a month of momentous change, it was easy to overlook the significance of another revolutionary event. Who would have believed that in the space of a few weeks the leaders of the three major European powers would publicly denounce multiculturalism and declare, in so many words, that it was a proven disaster and a threat to society?

One after another they announced their findings—Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, Great Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron, and France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy. Multicultural values had not only led to segregated communities: They had, Mr. Cameron noted, imposed policies of blind toleration that had helped nurture radical Islam’s terrorist cells.

There can be no underestimating the in-so-many-words aspect of these renunciations. This was multiculturalism they were talking about—the unofficial established religion of the universities, the faith whose requirements have shaped every aspect of cultural, economic and political life in Western democracies for the last 50 years. Still, they were out there—words coolly specific, their target clear.

They came at a fitting moment, just as Americans had been handed a report providing the fullest disclosures so far about the multiculturalist zeal that had driven Army and medical school superiors to smooth Nidal Malik Hasan’s rocky way through training, promote him, and, despite blatant evidence of his unfitness, raise not a single concern. Maj. Hasan, U.S. Army psychiatrist, would be assigned to Fort Hood where, in November 2009, he opened fire, killing 12 fellow soldiers and a civilian employee, and wounding 32 others.

In this report, titled “A Ticking Time Bomb” and put out by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, there is a detail as dazzling in its bleak way as all the glowing misrepresentations of Dr. Hasan’s skills and character, which his superiors poured into their evaluations of him. It concerns the Department of Defense’s official report on the Fort Hood killings—a study whose recital of fact made no mention of Hasan’s well-documented jihadist sympathies. Subsequent DoD memoranda portray the bloodbath—which began with Hasan shouting “Allahu Akbar!”—as a kind of undefined extremism, something on the order, perhaps, of work-place violence.

This avoidance of specifics was apparently contagious—or, more precisely, policy. In November 2010, each branch of the military issued a final report on the Fort Hood shooting. Not one mentioned the perpetrator’s ties to radical Islam.

Even today, “A Ticking Time Bomb,” co-authored by Sen. Joe Lieberman (I., Conn.) and Susan Collins (R., Maine), reminds us that DoD still hasn’t specifically named the threat represented by the Fort Hood attack—a signal to the entire Defense bureaucracy that the subject is taboo.

For the superiors in charge of Hasan’s training at Walter Reed and his two years at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, the taboo was of a more complicated order—one that required elaborately inventive analyses through which Hasan’s stated beliefs, ominous pronouncements, and evident unconcern with standards of behavior required of an officer could all be represented as singular virtues, proof of his exceptional value to the Army. It could not have been easy. Still, they managed.

They did so despite Hasan’s astounding trail of performances, each more telling than the next. To fulfill Walter Reed’s academic requirement for a presentation on a psychiatric theme, Hasan proffered a draft consisting almost entirely of wisdom from the Quran arguing for the painful punishment and liquidation of non-Muslims. Hasan evidently viewed the Quranic verses as a sufficient presentation—a view his superior didn’t share, given its lack of any mention of a psychiatric theme. When that guide warned him the presentation was “not scholarly” and might prevent his graduation, Hasan revised. The finished product was not much different. Still, Hasan was allowed to graduate.

He went on to his medical fellowship, where he soon delivered another class lecture, this one on the Islamist theme that the West, in particular the U.S military, had mounted a war on Islam. The presentation brimmed with views sympathetic to Osama bin Laden, the motives of the 9/11 perpetrators, and suicide bombers. It so infuriated his classmates that their outraged eruptions caused the instructor to end the presentation.

There would be more of the same to come. One classmate witness told investigators that Hasan sought every possible opportunity to share his radical Islamist sympathies. His highest obligation, he told classmates, wasn’t to the Constitution, which he had sworn to protect and defend, but to his religion.

His Islamist sympathies would attract the interest of the FBI (worthless son of a bitches they are), which soon picked up on this U.S Army major’s contacts with a terrorist suspect, unnamed in the Senate report. The agency would, however, have no continuing great interest in Hasan. (see, worthless). Among other reasons, its agents had seen the impressive evaluation reports characterizing Hasan as an authority on Islam—one whose work even had “extraordinary potential to inform national policy and military strategy,” as one of his superiors put it in his officer evaluation report.

The same Hasan who set off silent alarms in his supervisors—the Psychiatric Residency Program Director at Walter Reed was one of them—would garner only plaudits in the official written evaluations at the time. He was commended in these as a “star officer,” one focused on “illuminating the role of culture and Islamic faith within the Global War on Terrorism.” One supervisor testified, “His unique interests have captured the interest and attention of peers and mentors alike.” No single word of criticism or doubt about Hasan ever made its way into any of his evaluations.

Some of those enthusiastic testaments strongly suggested that the writers were themselves at least partly persuaded of their reasoning. In magical thinking, safety and good come to those who obey taboos, and in the multiculturalist world, there is no taboo more powerful than the one that forbids acknowledgment of realities not in keeping with the progressive vision. In the world of the politically correct—which can apparently include places where psychiatrists are taught—magical thinking reigns.

A resident who didn’t represent the diversity value that Hasan did as a Muslim would have faced serious consequences had he behaved half as disturbingly. Here was a world in which Hasan was untouchable, in which all that was grim and disturbing in him was transformed. He was a consistently mediocre performer, ranking in the lowest 25% of his class, but to his evaluators, he was an officer of unique talents.

He was a star not simply because he was a Muslim, but because he was a special kind—the sort who posed, in his flaunting of jihadist sympathies, the most extreme test of liberal toleration. Exactly the kind the progressive heart finds irresistible.

A decision as to whether Maj. Hasan will go to trial—it would be before a military court-martial —should be forthcoming next month. He stands charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder, committed when he turned his laser equipped semi-automatic on members of the military at the Soldier Readiness Center. The likelihood is that the trial will go forward. If it does, the forces of multiculturalist piety, which played so central a role in advancing this Army major and concealing the menace he posed, will be the invisible presence on trial with him.

“The Right Path” Obama touts progress in building ties to Muslims

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — President Barack Obama says he believes the United States is on “the right path” to a better relationship with the Muslim world, but acknowledges that policy differences will continue.

Standing next to Indonesia’s President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SOO’-see-loh BAM’-bang yoo-doo-YOH’-noh) at a joint news conference in Jakarta, Obama said he has worked hard to repair frayed relations with the Muslim community.

He called his administration’s efforts to repair relations with the Muslim world “earnest, sustained.” But Obama also said he doesn’t think “we’re going to completely eliminate some of the misunderstandings and mistrust that have developed.”

The president said he wants to make sure America is “building bridges and expanding our interactions with Muslin countries.”

Central Java: Islamic radicalism on the rise in Solo mosques


by Mathias Hariyadi


The city is a hub of Islamic extremism. It was also the birthplace of radical Islamist leader Abu Bakar Bashir as well as the refuge of Malaysian terrorism Noordin Top. A radical version of Islam and self-imposed exclusivism favours spread of radicalism.

Jakarta (AsiaNews) – Extremism and religious fanaticism are blossoming in a number of mosques of Surakarta, a city popularly known as Solo, located in Central Java, this according to the Centre for the Study of Religion and Culture (CSRC), a research study centre associated with South Jakarta-based Islamic State University (UIN) Syarief Hidayatullah. Its findings further confirm that Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, with a reputation of moderation, appears to be drifting towards radicalism.

Irfan Abubakar, researcher at the CSRC, said out of ten mosques the most radical are the Al Islam Mosque in the village of Gumuk (Banjarsari) and the Al-Kahfi Mosque in Mojosongo (Jebres).

Radical Islamist leader Abu Bakar Bashir was born and lived in Solo. Malaysian terrorist Noordin Moh Top, who masterminded the Jakarta and Bali bombings, found refuge in the village of Mojosongo where he died in shootout with police in September 2009.

“Both mosques, the Al Kahfi and Al Islam, are affiliated with two different radical hard-line Muslim organisations,  the Islamic Youth Front (LPIS) and Hidayatullah,” Irfan Abubakar said.

Members of the two mosques tend to be socially exclusive in terms of clothing as well as behaviour. Neither accepts Muslims from other groups or mingle with them.

The other eight mosques are more open, and tend to follow the teachings of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and the Muhammadiyah, Indonesia’s two largest moderate Muslim organisations.

Titled “Mapping Islamic ideologies in Solo’s mosques,” the CSRC research was carried out between September and December 2009. It focused on faith propagation at the congregation and mosque levels, government control, the concept of jihad or holy war, religious pluralism and the implementation of Sharia (Islamic Law).