“I guess I‘m a racist” – Richard Eric Gunby

Democrats said and say that if you vote for anyone but Obama, you’re a racist.

Leftists and liberals say that if you are against Obama on any subject and for any reason, you’re a racist.

Al Gore says, if you disagree with anything the positions proponents of “Climate Change” affirm, you’re a racist.

Al Sharpton says that the Tea Party is the new KKK, just thirsting to lynch blacks and browns everywhere, and obviously, composed of racists.

Maxine Waters says that if you are part of the Tea Party movement, you‘re a racist –and should go straight to hell.



Are you detecting the common theme present in the declaratives above?  Let me spell it out for you:  paint anyone to the right of the Democratic standard bearers as RACISTS; and worry not, the national media won’t call you on it.  That, ladies and gentlemen, is the number one marching orders for the Obama supporters, progressives and communists alike.   They have absolutely no consciences at all.  Their consciences, if ever present in the past, are totally seared by sin, greed, and blinded to truth, and all around non-operative.  They are, first and foremost, liars, purveyors of atheistic, leftist, collectivist, socialist, propaganda.   And they are people that don’t give a damn about truth, justice, and ethical ways of living.  They are consumed with the lust for power, their greed knows no boundaries, and they are most dedicated in the long war against God, and anything that smacks of decency.

Make no mistake about it if you oppose them on any front for any reason, you too will be labeled a racist!

Ø If you oppose the ever growing redistribution of wealth –you’re a racist!

Ø If you support defending our borders and expelling those who come here illegally –gaming the system, exhausting our hospitals, clogging the courts and prisons, etc. –you’re a racist!

Ø If you support cutting government spending and reducing the size and scope of government –you’re a racist!

Ø If you believe we are already bankrupt (seeing as how we have to borrow 40% of every dollar we’re spending, and have over 15 trillion in immediate Federal debt that is growing at an astronomical rate), and you believe we must stop this insanity and mindless rush to oblivion –you’re a racist!

Ø If you believe that the Federal Government has overstepped its Constitutional boundaries under both parties and in all recent administrations –you’re a racist!

Ø If you believe in liberty, self-government, blind (but not stupid) justice, and ethical ways of living –you are obviously a racist!

Ø If you believe in Stat’s rights and right reserved to the people –you’re a racist!


Gosh?  Hmm?

I guess that makes me a racist Not!



I am for liberty for allThus, in no way, shape, form, or manner, am I to be rightly or justly labeled as a racist.

The absolute indispensible cornerstone of liberty is private property rights for all.  Real property rights begin with the individual.  And real capitalism extols private property rights, first and foremost.  Without a cherished and scrupulously held to private property rights belief and practice, there can be no real sustained liberty, or capitalism for that matter.   That thievery is unlawful and illegal –one of the strongest affirmations of the Bible– is itself the very foundation for private property rights.

What are the basic “property rights” to which we refer?  The following presents them in shorthand:


·        You own your own life
·        You own your own body (in reality, the same as the first, said in differing fashion)
·        You own the fruits of your own labor
·        You own your real property that you own free and clear
·        You own your other possessions, which you own free and clear

·        You have the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”


The opposite of liberty is slavery.  One of the primary reasons liberty bursts out wherever biblical faith thrives, is because those finding salvation in Jesus have a measure of freedom from sin.  In other words, they experience the power of liberty first hand –personally, as it were!  The bible says that the unredeemed, in contrast, are constant slaves to sin, but that those who come unto Christ and follow Him–we enjoy some measure of freedom from sin, from the all-encompassing slavery of sin.  And we are called to work toward increasing that freedom in practice (i.e., to live Godly lives advancing His kingdom) and to doing all we can to increase liberty in this world.


Give me liberty, or get out of the way of my bible and my gun –as I fight for it!



Every normal man must be tempted,at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
H. L. Mencken


3 responses to ““I guess I‘m a racist” – Richard Eric Gunby

  1. No body cares what democrats ro republicans think they are all idiots, you would have to be to be a fool to beleive any of them say. racist ? people call me a racist and I have had 11 refugee foster kids , from Haiti ( one with aids ) Vietnam (one that was gay ) Cambodia, Bosnia , Nicaragua ( the little shit totatled my car ) ElSalvador , Laos ! and some people still will call me a racist . Oh yea and half my family is Mexican . Like I care what people think. Racist has become an over used misunderstood word lately.

    • Here Here! Why don’t you run for president? I’ll be your manager. Any votes we don’t win, we will steal!

      • Ron Whaley

        Sounds like a good idea to me Col LOL. Oh I guess I’m a damn racist too hu? NOT….. Oh we just had 2 illegal teens released and all charges dropped. They said they had not committed any crimes (so I guess entering the country illegally is no longer a crime). Yep that is the Obummer gang for ya. Oh well.

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